

I have a few reasons for this blog. First, Thanks to my Children’s Literature teacher, Mrs. Richardson, I have grown a big love for children’s literature, so I want to read more! I have set a goal for myself. I will read a book a day for a year! In my blog, I will review each title I read, whether it is good or bad, and post a short literary and illustration analysis. I will also include my personal thoughts on the book and sometimes an idea for an activity to do with the book. I am not a professional, I am just an aspiring teacher that hopes to one day be a published author. Please feel free to leave any questions, suggested reads, or criticism to the posts. Thank you so much for taking your precious time to read my reviews!

xoxo, Jade

16 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you so much! I love children with a passion. If I could, I’d have 20 children, but unfortunately my husband would pull his hair out. Teaching is just as good though. I get to interact and help children grow and learn. That to me is like fresh air. 🙂

  2. Jade, how can I get in touch with you? I am following your blog and have a children’s book, an early reader that author Diane Robinson, an award-winning writer wrote, published by Tate. This is book 2 in her series but it can easily stand on its own. I would love to have you join the tour in early October. Books will be mailed out in August. IF interested, you can either use the contact form on my site or my email

    morris (dot) suem AT att (dot) net

  3. Nice to meet you Jade! It was nice of you to visit my blog and give me a follow! It will be fun to see what you have to say about all these books. You are an ambitious young lady!

  4. That’s a lovely idea – if you like fantasy that’s a little bit different (no violence and isn’t too dark) may I suggest my own children’s novel ‘The Realm of the Purple Dragon’ – it needs a few reviews 😉

  5. I also have a passion for literature for little ones. As a former Nursery-Nurse I wanted to create a whole series of books for children from toddlers to teens. My Rainbow Rune Series for toddlers concentrates on simple Early Years themes – numbers, letters, colours, shapes etc and I am looking forward to building more and more of these themed books around my greedy little green dragon Grifin LOL ❤



    I hope you don't feel like I have swamped you – just love it when people are interested in my passion of children's books and I am always looking to bring my work to people's interest – especially those who work passionately with children ❤ Laura ❤

  6. Hi, I recently launched a children’s picture book called “Chasing Butterflies” I would love to gift you a copy, via Amazon. If you want to learn more about the book before agreeing, you can always check out my website http://www.littlelifelessons.ca it’s a blast!

    Thanks for the consideration =)

    Harry Toews.

  7. Hi Jade
    If you have the time, I’d be really grateful if you could review our book Little Bird Lost for us .. it’s only on Kindle for now, but we plan to produce a print version ASAP .. it’s available at http://www.amazon.com/Little-Bird-Lost-ebook/dp/B00ECYH2UG .. the free promo has just finished, but I could email you an Amazon voucher to cover the cost .. it’s a picture book that I produced from a series of amazing photos that my husband captured of a young family of swallows in their nest .. a simple rhyming tale of sibling rivalry and their parents love for ALL their children .. I hope you like it!
    Best wishes

    1. Hi Kate! I’ve been extremely busy with family as of late and have had no time to even log on my blog in the last few days. I plan on catching up with everything and answering comments etc. I would be happy to review your book!

  8. Hi again Jade
    Please could you delete my reply/email address if you’re able to through your blog admin panel? I didn’t realise it would publish straightaway without you approving it. I guess I should have used the (dot) AT method of disguising it from web crawlers. You live and you learn!
    Best wishes

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